

北京 TL (Itil Sap basis)  

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某世界五百强公司 AO  TL 职位  base 北京  20-30w
- In-depth knowledge of business processes and solutions
- SAP basis for R/3,SAP NetWeaver, SAP CRM&EBP(SRM), SAP EP/BWIXI(all installation, configuration and administration),capabilities to work as consultant for SAP Basis operation and certain SAP modules
-Sector/customer-relevant knowledge: knows the market and the competitors of the customer, as well as the customer's strategies, business processes and decision-makers
-Presentation skills
-Ability to conduct profitability calculations in form of e.g. TCO, Business Case, ROI,...
-ITIL Process/ISO 20000/ISO 27001

-A sound working experience in a IT project environment might typically have been acquired in more than 7 years.
-At least 2 years Pre-sales support experience.
-Have successful business case which shows his/her excellent work contributes to winning order.
-High customer orientation, good communication skill
-Familiar with ITIL IT service delivery and support process
-Was responsible for complex tasks in approximately 3 projects.
-Has comprehensive knowledge and experience in design and implementation with the entire process cycle of an enterprise within the last 7 years.
-Has technically managed complex and international project teams or managed a team no less than 4 members at least 2 years.
-Depending on type and scope of projects. Has worked in teams made up of international members.


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青铜狂魔 发表于 2014-4-1 19:50:02
跟大家交流一个ITIL的概念吧:如果要参加ITIL Foundation的考试,从ITIL题库中一定量的ITIL题来做还是比较重要的,目前在百度文库中网友提供了一部分的ITIL题库。在IT运维管理社区上,IT运维管理社区网友收集了一系列的ITIL题库以便于其他网友下载,是目前国内最全、最完整的ITIL题库集合。
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