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61. Which member ofthe Project Management Team is responsible for the Business Case? A
A. The Executive
B. The Senior User
C. The SeniorSupplier
D. The ProjectManager
62. Who decides onthe use of the Project Assurance role? C
A. ProgrammeManagement
B. The ProjectManager
C. The ProjectBoard
D. QualityAssurance
63. If the projectneeds staff to handle configuration management, they would be part of whichgroup? B
A. ProjectAssurance
B. Project Support
C. Specialist Team
D. ProgrammeDirectorate
64. If the Projectneeds a configuration librarian, this role would be part of which group? C
A. ProjectAssurance
B. Specialist Team
C. Project Support
D. ProgrameDirectorate
65. Which part ofthe project organisation assists the Project Manager in handling configurationmanagement? B
A. ProjectAssurance
B. Project Support
C. Specialist Team
D. ProgrammeDirectorate

66. If the Projectneeds staff to handle the use of specific planning and control software, theywould be part of which group? D
A. ProjectAssurance
B. ProgrammeDirectorate
C. Specialist Team
D. Project Support

67. PRINCE 2assumes that the Project Manager normally comes from: A
A. The Customer
B. The Supplier
C. An independentconsultancy
D. The ProjectSupport Office
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68. Whoseresponsibility is it to set the overall tolerance levels for the Project? D
A. The ProjectManager
B. The ProjectBoardC. The Executive
D. Corporate orprogramme management
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69. Whose specificresponsibility is it to ensure that the desired outcome of the project isspecified? B
A. The Executive
B. The Senor User
C. The ProjectManager
D. The SeniorSupplier
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70. Who isresponsible for leading and motivating the project management team? B
A. The Executive
B. The ProjectManager
C. The Senior User
D. The entireProject Board
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71. The ProjectBoard has authority and responsibility for the project within the instructionsinitially contained within…? B
A. The ExceptionReport
B. The projectmandate
C. The Risk Log
D. The End ProjectReport
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72. Which phraseapplies to the User representative in a PRINCE 2 project management team? A
A. They represent theinterests of those who will use the
project’s products
B. May need to useboth in-house and external teams to construct the final outcome
C. Representationfrom the business viewpoint
D. Will provide thefunding
73. Whose responsibilityis it to ensure effective communication with external stakeholder? B
A. Project Manager
B. Project Board
C. ProjectAssurance
D. The Supplier
74. Who is ultimatelyresponsible for Project Assurance? A
A. The ProjectBoard
B. The ProjectManager
C. The QualityAssurance department
D. The ProjectSupport Office
75. Which of thefollowing is true of Quality Assurance? B
A. It is the sameas Project Assurance
B. It isindependent of the project
C. It is part ofthe project management team
D. all the above
76. In aCustomer/Supplier environment, which party would need a Business Case? C
A. The Customer
B. The Supplier
C. Both
D. Neither
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77. If procurementor contracting is to be undertaken during the early stages of the project,which option may need changes once these stages have been completed? C
A. Customer QualityExpectations
B. Change Controland Configuration Management
C. The ProjectBoard and other parts of the project management team
D. Work Packagesand Checkpoint reports

78. Which part ofthe organisation structure negotiates a solution to any problems between theproject and external bodies? B
A. Project Manager
B. Project Board
C. Corporate orprogramme management
D. Team Manager
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79. Who isresponsible for approving the Project Product Description? D
A. Project Manager
B. Senior Supplier
C. Executive
D. All member ofthe Project Board

80. To which rolecan the Executive delegate responsibility for monitoring the Business Case? C
A. Project Manager
B. Senior User
C. ProjectAssurance
D. Project Support
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81. The role of theProject Board is best described as: B
A. Advisory
B. Decision-making
C. Platform fordiscussion
D. Support platformfor the Project Manager

82. A Project Boardconsists of: C
A. Three people;the Executive, the Senior User and the Senior Supplier
B. Four roles; theProject Manager; the Executive, the Senior User and the Senior Supplier
C. Three roles; theExecutive, the Senior User and the Senior Supplier
D. The ProjectManager, the Executive, the Senior User, the Senior Supplier and ProjectAssurance

83. All members ofthe Project Board have responsibilities for: B
A. Selecting theProject Manager
B. ProjectAssurance
C. Writing Product Descriptions
D. Agreeing thebusiness case

84. Which plan issuggested by PRINCE 2 will be used after the project has been closed down? D
A. Project Plan
B. Stage Plan
C. Team Plan
D. Benefits ReviewPlan
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85. What are thethree basic levels of plan proposed by PRINCE 2? A
A. Project, Stage andTeam
B. Programme,Project and Stage
C. Stage, Team andException
D. Project , Teamand Exception
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86. Which plan is aPRINCE 2 project provides the Business Case with time and cost information? C
A. Project andException Plans
B. Project, Stage,Team and Exception Plans
C. Project Plan
D. Project andStage Plans

87. In a PRINCE 2project the Team Plan is produced by which role? C
A. Project Board
B. Project Manager
C. Team Manager
D. ProjectAssurance ITSS

88. Which of thefollowing is NOT used to update the Project Plan at the end of each stage? B
A. Progress alreadymade
B. Benefits alreadyachieved
C. Any agreedchanges in circumstances
D. Any revisedforecast of cost
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89. When is theProject Plan baselined? B
A. Only when theProject Initiation Document is accepted.
B. Every time theProject Initiation Documents is approved and baselined
C. Only as part ofthe End Project Report
D. All of the above

90. What is updatedat the end of every stage to reflect progress already made, any agreed changesin circumstances, any revised forecast of cost and duration? A
A. The Project Plan
B. The BusinessCase
C. The Risk Log
D. The Stage Plan
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