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20150924  淡然

5.4  问题管理评估问题
Level 1:基础

1. Are at least some problem management activities established in the organisation, e.g. problem determination, problem analysis, problem resolution?

2. Are problem management activities assigned to specific individuals or functional areas?

3. Is there a procedure by which significant incidents are escalated  by incident management?

4. Are potential problems formally assessed and identified prior to disruption occurring?

Level 1.5: 管理意识

5. Has the purpose and benefits of problem management been disseminated within the organisation?

6. Does the organisation have procedures for the registration of problems and their resolution?

7. Is there management commitment to support staff allocating sufficient time for structural problem solving activities?

8. Is the organisation committed to reducing the total number of problems and the number of incidents that interrupt the conduct of business?

9. Is there management support for problem management staff only accepting support requests from authorised sources?

Level 2: 流程

10. Have responsibilities for various problem management activities been assigned?

11. Is there a procedure for analysing significant, recurring and unresolved incidents and identifying underlying problems?  

12. Is there a procedure by which potential problems are classified, in terms of category, urgency, priority and impact and assigned for investigation?

13. Do problem owners have adequate guidelines for identifying and recording the nature of a problem?

14. Are complex problem investigations across for example, several technical areas adequately co-ordinated?

15. Is there a procedure for problem closure?

16. Do you have a mechanism for tracking problem resolution?                                 ITSS认证

17. Do you monitor the effectiveness of problem support areas?

Level 2.5: 内部集成

18. Is the nature of the problem always documented as part of the problem record?

19. Is Problem Management responsible for the completeness of all problem records?

20. Does problem management escalate problems with severe impact to the CAB to increase the priority of the RFC or to implement an urgent change as appropriate.

21. Are proposed solutions to a problem reviewed and authorised by a third party?

22. Are problem records updated to reflect the progress in resolving the problem?

23. Is the Problem Manager responsible for reviewing the problem records?

Level 3: 工具

24. Are standard reports concerning problems produced regularly?

25. Are problem records updated on resolution of a problem?

26. Are requests for change raised on the basis of problem analysis?

27. Do problem management reports comment on the results of proactive problem management?

Minimum score to achieve this level: 'Y' for all mandatory ('M') questions + 1 other answer 'Y'

Level 3.5: 质量控制

28. Are the standards and other quality criteria made explicit and applied to problem management activities?

29. Are the personnel responsible for problem mangement activities suitably trained?

30. Does the organisation set and review either targets or objectives for Problem Management?

31. Does the organisation use suitable tools to support the problem management process?

Level 4:管理报告

32. Does Problem Management provide management with information concerning analysis of problem records?

33. Does Problem Management provide management with information concerning recurring problems of a particular type or with an individual item?

34. Does Problem Management provide management with information concerning the need for more customer training or better documentation?

35. Does Problem Management provide management with information concerning trends in problem distribution and potential 'hot' spots?

Level 4.5: 外部沟通

36. Do you hold regular meetings with interested parties in which Problem Management (PM) matters are discussed?

37. Does PM exchange information with Configuration Management regarding the quality of configuration records, highlighting any issues, and the potential flagging of items as 'failed' (or equivalent)?

38. Does PM exchange information with Change Management regarding the details of any changes to resolve problems or on emergency actions undertaken?

39. Does PM exchange information with Incident Management for identification of significant incidents or multiple incidents exhibiting common symptoms in order to identify problems?

40. Does PM exchange information with the Service Desk concerning related incidents, or follow-up on initial handling and possible feedback to users (e.g. via urgent bulletins for major incidents)?

41. Does PM exchange information with Service Level Management regarding priority handling of problems and potential impact on service level agreement performance?

42. Does PM exchange information with IT Service Continuity Management regarding possible contingency actions in the event of a major outage?

43. Does PM exchange information with Availability Management for detection and avoidance of problems and incidents?

44. Does PM exchange information with Release Management (if applicable) regarding current CIs and for possible association of problems with specific CIs?

45. Does PM exchange information with Capacity Management for potential implications of planning options, and the likely effect on problem trends?

Level 5: 客户界面

42. Do you check with the customer that the activities performed by Problem Management adequately support their business needs?

43. Do you check with the customer that they are happy with the services provided?

44. Are you actively monitoring trends in customer satisfaction?

45. Are you feeding customer survey information into the service improvement agenda?

46. Are you monitoring the customer's value perception of the services provided to them?

5.5  变更管理评估问题
Level 1: 基础

1. Are at least some change management activities established in the organisation, e.g. logging of change requests, change assessments, change planning, change implementation reviews?

2. Are change management activities assigned to specific individuals or functional areas?

3. Is there a procedure for raising and issuing requests for change?

Level 1.5: 管理目的

4. Has the purpose and benefits of change management been disseminated within the organisation?

5. Has the scope of change management activity been established within the organisation?

6. Does the organisation have standards or other quality criteria for the raising and registering of changes?

Level 2: 流程

7. Have responsibilities for various change management activities been assigned?

8. Are the procedures for initiating change always adhered to?

9. Is there a procedure for approving, verifying and scheduling changes?

10. Are the business and technical impacts of changes always assessed?

11. Is change progress monitored adequately by Change Management?

12. Is the successful implementation of a change confirmed by Change Management?

13. Is there a procedure for the review of all changes?

14. Are adequate change management reports produced?

Level 2.5: 内部管理

15. Are all changes initiated through the agreed change management channels, for example a Change Advisory Board?

16. Are changes planned and prioritised, centrally or by common agreement?

17. Are change records maintained to reflect the progress of changes?

18. Are the reasons for change failure explicitly recorded and evaluated?

19.  Are successful changes reviewed against the original business needs?

Level 3: 工具

20. Are formal change records maintained?

21. Is a change schedule of approved changes routinely issued?

22. Are standard reports on changes produced on a regular basis?

23. Are there established standards for documenting changes?

Level 3.5: 质量控制

24. Are there standards and other quality criteria for the documentation of change made explicit and applied?

25. Are the personnel responsible for change management activities suitably trained?

26. Does the organisation set and review either targets or objectives for Change Management?

27. Does the organisation use any tools to support the change management process?

Level 4:管理报告

28. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning requests for change received (e.g. a breakdown of reasons for changes)?

29. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning the change schedule?

30. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning number  and % of changes?

31. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning number of successful and failed changes?

32. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning business impact of changes?                     ITSS考试

33. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning change slippage (including backlogs and bottlenecks)?

34. Does Change Management provide pertinent information concerning number of problem record initiated changes?

Level 4.5: 外部沟通

35. Do you hold regular meetings with interested parties in which Change Management matters are discussed?

36. Does CM exchange information with Configuration Management regarding change progress and change closure?

37. Does CM exchange information with Configuration Management regarding change impact assessment on configuration items?

38. Does CM exchange information with Problem Management regarding changes required to resolve problems / known errors?

39. Does CM exchange information with Problem Management regarding progress reporting and for receiving problem escalation reports?

40. Does CM exchange information with Problem Management regarding obtaining problem information relating to change?

41. Does CM exchange information with the Service Desk for notification of change progress?

42. Does CM exchange information with the Service Desk for notification of change schedule?

43. Does CM exchange information with the Service Desk for assessing impact of change on Service Desk support levels?

44. Does CM exchange information with the Service Desk for obtaining information concerning incidents and calls relating to change?

45. Does CM exchange information with Release Management concerning change implementation?

46. Does CM exchange information with Release Management concerning the notification and scheduling of software and hardware releases?

47. Does CM exchange information with Service Level Management regarding the change schedule?

48. Does CM exchange information with Service Level Management regarding potential change impact on service level agreements?

49. Does CM exchange information with IT Service Continuity Management for notification of change schedule?

50. Does CM exchange information with IT Service Continuity Management for assessing impact of change on contigency plans?

51. Does CM exchange information with Capacity Management regarding performance and capacity issues relating to change?

Level 5: 客户界面

52. Do you check with the customer if the activities performed by Change Management adequately support their business needs?

53. Do you check with the customer that they are happy with the services provided?

54. Are you actively monitoring trends in customer satisfaction?

55. Are you feeding customer survey information into the service improvement agenda?

56. Are you monitoring the customers value perception of the services provided to them?

5.6  运维管理评估问题
Process Dimension

How clear are the process objectives, policies & procedures? How well are they documented and communicated?

How effective & efficient is the process implementation? To what level are best practices (as defined by ITSM) followed?

Is the process followed at all times? Is conformance actively monitored? Are there significant consequences to non-conformance?

Is there effective and timely information flow from/to other processes? How well are the information needs of other processes met, and vice versa?

How well are process metrics monitored and reported? Are there effective feedback and continuous process improvement activities.

Organizational Dimension

Are the organizational structure and underlying corporate culture conducive of effective process-based IT Management?

Is there a single accountable process owner? How well is that role defined and executed?

Are there clear, documented roles and responsibilities? Do roles have adequate authorities that are accepted and understood?

Are skills adequate for assigned roles and responsibilities? Are skill gaps continually assessed and addressed?

Is people performance measurement strongly linked to process performance within the assigned roles and responsibilities?                                             ITSS培训

Technology Dimension

To what degree do tools automate process steps? Do tools significantly improve productivity?

Do tools facilitate sharing of information? Do they integrate effectively across processes?

Do tools provide adequate functionality in addressing all process steps?

Can common functions be effectively used by typical and/or available skill sets?

Are the tools archaic? Or are they based on state of the art technologies and frameworks?



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