本帖最后由 monicazhang 于 2018-8-23 14:53 编辑每个DevOps都一个百宝箱,里面放着各种命令行脚本,可以用来自动化各式任务。但若文档不全,即便是脚本的作者,时间一久也不敢随便乱用,毕竟运维的大部分工作是管理生产环境,要是出了错,不是轻描淡写就可以蒙混过关的。写好 DevOps 的文档其实也是一门技术活儿,这里给大家分享一些组织运维脚本及其文档的经验。
Fabric的主文件一般命名为fabfile.py,但任务多了,都写在一个文件里显然很难维护。Fabric有一个很实用的特性,就是当fabfile.py里导入其他模块时,会自动发现里面的fabric任务。利用这个特性,可以把各种任务分类写在不同的模块中,然后在fabfile.py中统一导入。比如 Glow 的 DevOps 代码库的结构大概长这个样子:
$ tree
├── __init__.py
├── fabfile.py
├── fab_scripts
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── monitors.py
│ ├── mysql.py
│ ├── nginx.py
│ ├── redis.py
│ ├── scaling.py
│ ├── services.py
# fabfile.pyfrom fab_scripts import monitors
from fab_scripts import mysql
from fab_scripts import nginx
from fab_scripts import redis
from fab_scripts import scaling
from fab_scripts import services
这样我们就把散落在多个文件里的任务聚集到了一起,我们可以用fab -l来列出所有可执行的任务及其描述,其中任务描述来自于对应任务的第一行docstring。例如,
$ fab -lAvailable commands: monitors.get Get YAML definition of monitors monitors.list List names of all monitors monitors.mute Mute specific groups of monitors monitors.mute_all Mute all monitors globally monitors.unmute Unmute specific groups of monitors monitors.unmute_all Unmute all monitors globally mysql.connection_list Show number of DB connections group by host mysql.connection_sources Show number of DB connections group by process nginx.turn_off_maintenanceTurn off site maintenance mode. nginx.turn_on_maintenance Turn on site maintenance mode. Return 503. redis.auto_save Update saving settings for redis instances redis.start_slave Set master and start replication. redis.stop_slave Stop replication and set its master to none. scaling.add_servers Launch more instances in specific server group scaling.create_image Create an image for provisioning new instances scaling.get_latest_tag Get latest tag of deployed code services.cycle Restart application services. services.start Start application services. services.stop Stop application services.
这里可以看到,将任务分写在不同的模块,模块名就起到了Namespace的作用。在显示命令列表时,在同一个Namespace下的命令被聚集到了一起,很好地起到了任务分类的作用。使用fab -d 可以显示该任务完整的docstring。规整的docstring可以让执行任务的用户清楚地理解其作用及参数用法。我们在写fabric任务的docstring时,一般分为三个部分
$ fab -d deploy
Displaying detailed information for task 'deploy':
Deploy code to targeted server_group.
You need put ansible vault password at ~/.ansible_vault_passwd directory,
otherwise you would be prompt to enter vault password.
server_group: Possible values include prod, stage
release_tags: A list of release tags to be pushed
Examples: # Deploy to stage
fab deploy:stage,glow_stage_1446102452 # Deploy to production
fab deploy:prod,glow_prod_1446102452 # Deploy multiple repo at once
fab deploy:prod,glow_prod_1446102452,nurture_prod_1445102467
在Python中,docstring其实就是函数的__doc__的属性,所以我们可以像修改普通变量那样动态修改docstring,这给我们生成动态文档或是重用公共的文档提供了可能。例如,我们的services模块下有cycle,start,stop三个任务,分别用来重启,开始,停止我们的microservice。我们当然希望在用fab -d来查看任务的文档说明时,同时可以显示所有可用的microservice。但hard-coded现有的microservice是一个愚蠢的做法,这样我们不但需要把同一段文档复制三份,并且每次新增一个microservice时还要记得来更新文档。这里我们用Python的decorator来动态地把可用服务的信息添加到docstring中。比如cycle任务的定义是这样的:
@task@services_docdef cycle(*services, **kwargs):
"""Restart application services.
services: list of services need cycle (separate by comma)
fab services.cycle:glow-www,glow-forum
def services_doc(func):
services = get_available_services()
doc = """
Possible values for services:
""".format(" ".join(" " * 8 + x for x in services))
func.__doc__ += doc return func
$ fab -d services.cycleDisplaying detailed information for task 'services.cycle': Restart application services Args: services: list of services need cycle (separate by comma) Examples: fab services.cycle:glow-www,glow-forum Possible values for services: glow-www glow-user glow-forum ...
## EC2 servers<!-- BEGIN EC2-SERVER-LIST -->| Server group | Instance type | Count | Description |
| bastion | t2.small | 1 | Bastion/Jumper server |
| www | c3.large | 4 | Web servers |
...<!-- END EC2-SERVER-LIST -->
这里<!-- BEGIN EC2-SERVER-LIST -->和<!-- END EC2-SERVER-LIST -->之间的表格就是一个外部引用,每次Ansible更新服务器配置时,会执行一个脚本,它会自动在文档中查找这对标签,并更新其中的内容。这是一个很简单的技术,但对于保持文档与实际环境同步很有帮助。